English title dissertation Brief admission for patients with BPD. Development of a self-management intervention to prevent or overcome crisis.
Name PhD (surname first) Helleman-Funhoff, Marjolein
Doctor is (has been) nurse
Date of promotion 25/04/2017
University Radboud Universiteit
Promotores Promotor: prof. dr. T. Achterberg. Copromotoren: dr. P.J.J. Goossens & dr. A. Kaasenbrood
Abstract (English)

Brief Admission is an effective self-management intervention available to prevent prolonged admission to a mental health facility, prevent drop-out from ongoing
therapy, help patients with BPD to acquire and practice new skills, and promote the autonomy of patients with BPD. Patients point to the quality of the contact with a
nurse during a Brief Admission as a critical component for a helpful admission. The further success of a Brief Admission depends on the development of an individualized Brief Admission plan developed in collaboration between the patient, a nurse, and
community care professional but also embedded in the overall treatment plan. The allowable frequency and duration of a Brief Admission should be agreed upon and
tailored to the needs of the patient, which can vary over time and from patient to patient. The same applies for other interventions to be used to help the patient with
BPD and a crisis (or pending crisis) regain control over their emotions, thoughts, and problems. It is further crucial that the patient him/herself initiate the Brief Admission whenever possible in order to enhance self-management skills. There is further consensus that for a Brief Admission to be beneficial, prohibition of the use of alcohol or drugs, occurrence of aggressive behavior, and self-harming behavior must be clearly communicated.

Download dissertation (English) MHelleman-proefschrift.pdf