English title dissertation At home with meaning. Older persons' meaning in life, good home nursing and nurse education
Name PhD (surname first) Hupkens, Susan
Doctor is (has been) nurse
Date of promotion 29/04/2021
University Universiteit voor Humanistiek
Promotores Promotoren: prof. dr. A. Machielse & prof. dr. P. Derkx. Copromotor: dr. M. Goumans
Linkedin-account linkedin.com
Researchgate-url researchgate.net
Abstract (English)

Meaning in life (MiL) is a subject of growing interest in (Dutch) society. In later life, MiL can be a challenge for older persons, among others, due to loss of dear ones and loss of physical and mental ability. Most older persons in the Netherlands age in place (in their private homes), hence home nurses frequently encounter older patients with MiL issues. According to the Dutch nurse competence profile, MiL issues are principle problems on which nurses should focus. However, nurses in practice feel incompetent in this regard. The scholarly literature provides little support, as it contains multiple gaps regarding: MiL of older home nursing patients; home nursing with respect to older patient’s MiL; and education in this regard. Lack of knowledge and competence contributes to nurses’ dissatisfaction and may negatively influence patients’ health and quality of life. The objective of this thesis is to generate knowledge with respect to the mentioned knowledge-gaps. Additionally, this work contributes to good professional practice and to education with respect to older home nursing patients’ MiL.
Chapter 2 is a literature review regarding MiL in the (non-specified) population of older persons; chapter 3 is an empirical study which focusses on a specific group of older persons: home nursing patients. This group is particularly relevant, because 90% of Dutch older persons (75+) ages in place and many of them receive home nursing.
Chapter 2 provides insights into the existing literature regarding MiL of older persons through an integrative review. In various academic databases we identified 574 texts, of which 44 met the inclusion criteria. Texts were heterogeneous in type and discipline. Analysis of texts resulted in five themes regarding finding MiL: developmental process, creation of meaning, discovery of meaning, daily meaning, and connection. Older persons find meaning in a developmental process, both in continuity and discontinuity of life, and in relation to their cultural values. In the later years they create MiL through activities, composing a life story, using character strengths and by various (coping) strategies. MiL can also be found through discovery, by silence and contemplation, instead of acting. Only a few authors described daily meaning, finding meaning by daily activities. These daily activities may be connected to another (existential) level. Finding meaning is not an individual process. It is a process of connection, with self, others, society, or something greater than oneself, e.g. God, the universe. The selected texts revealed many circumstances that are associated with MiL: health, higher education, higher income, good relational quality, social integration, high everyday competence, employment, marriage, self-compassion, helping others, religiousness.

See dissertation for the complete summary.

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