English title dissertation Risk scores a guide in clinical practice? Application of risk scores in the management of Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
Name PhD (surname first) Engel, Josien
Doctor is (has been) nurse
Date of promotion 27/03/2017
University Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Promotores Promotor: prof.dr. C. Wagner. Copromotoren: dr. M.C. de Bruijne & dr. I. van der Wulp
Linkedin-account linkedin.com
Abstract (English)

In this thesis we have studied the extent of guideline adherence in the management of NST ACS patients with emphasis on the use of cardiac risk scores in clinical practice. Besides the actual use of risk scores in clinical practice, determinants for suboptimal cardiac risk score use were studied on a patient-, healthcare provider- and organizational-level. Furthermore, the impact of different components of clinical information, including risk score outcomes, on cardiologists’ decision-making regarding performing coronary angiography was studied.

Download dissertation (English) Proefschrift-Engel-J.pdf